“Reliability is the precondition for trust.” Wolfgang Schauble The foundation of your Infinity Marketing Machine is trust. When you gain trust in your followers it converts them into a tribe! This tribe then grows in strength and loyalty. You want this loyalty, after all, this is how you find products that your customers want to […]
“Leadership today is all about truth and trust.” JWelch Do you remember when you used to visit a website… let’s say for a hotel… and the photos they used were not of their actual hotel rooms? OMG… yes, this used to happen! Then something funny happened. People wanted “real” on the internet… flaws and all. […]
“Limits are where Infinity ends…” You have successfully built a business with customers and they like you. You enjoy being in business… now what? This is when many entrepreneurs go crazy and start expanding, adding more product lines… etc. It’s a creative mind gone wild. The excuse is that you need (or want) to make […]
“Bad leaders care about who is right… good leaders care about what is right” SSinek Good business create good memories, bad businesses create bad memories… so the word memories has a unique position in our language. It just exists, and only by the word before it, “good or bad” does it have meaning. Well… that […]
“Consistency is not very glamorous… but it is effective.” Do you want results? Do you want to increase your sales? Do you want to make more money? If you answered “yes” to the above… keep reading! The Infinity Marketing Machine is a new way of tackling the age old situation of increasing sales among current […]