“Leadership today is all about truth and trust.” JWelch Do you remember when you used to visit a website… let’s say for a hotel… and the photos they used were not of their actual hotel rooms? OMG… yes, this used to happen! Then something funny happened. People wanted “real” on the internet… flaws and all. […]
“Ideas have a short shelf life. You must act on them before the expiration date.” ACTION! Take action. That’s the result we’re going for with today’s Midweek Motivation! Have you ever walked out into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, had an amazing idea and by the time you grab the orange juice you’ve forgotten it? […]
“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop” Confucius You need to keep making progress. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you are making any forward progress… but you are. It’s a simple idea… but think about this. If you are not moving forward you are moving backward, you’re never standing […]
“Success happens when your dreams get bigger than your excuses” What’s your fall back excuse? Is it the reason you’re late, out of shape, or broke? There’s got to be one. We all have them. I hate excuses… I mean, I’m guilty of using them… but I still hate them. The way I look at […]
“Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.” Here’s the scoop. You’ve got something to say. You say it every day, that’s why you have your own business. When you start to look at it this way, sharing your knowledge online will become much easier. The reason I’m trying to put […]