Saturday Try This This Post Is Awesome! First… you just have to feel better about yourself reading it. I mean, if you’re appreciated you do more than expected, right? Second, thoughts of the day simply rock. It’s a great way to motivate your customers and staff… it’s also a super easy way to have ongoing […]
“Change how you see and see how you change.” Zen proverb If you want to know how to create the biggest change in your business… look small. Well, just look. Here’s what I mean… You need to stop and take a look at your business with fresh eyes. I’m getting one of our logos redone. […]
“Today is a New Beginning” Hate your customers. Find new ones. Is it really that easy? YES. But you have to be willing to decide to do this… now this seems like an odd conversation right from the get go! I mean, why do you hate your customers? Well… if you hate your customers, the […]
“Reliability is the precondition for trust.” Wolfgang Schauble The foundation of your Infinity Marketing Machine is trust. When you gain trust in your followers it converts them into a tribe! This tribe then grows in strength and loyalty. You want this loyalty, after all, this is how you find products that your customers want to […]
“Leadership today is all about truth and trust.” JWelch Do you remember when you used to visit a website… let’s say for a hotel… and the photos they used were not of their actual hotel rooms? OMG… yes, this used to happen! Then something funny happened. People wanted “real” on the internet… flaws and all. […]