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Small Business Blog - Most Recent — audio blog

Episode#104 – Why is Your Goal?

achieve goals audio blog Creative how to stay motivated in business inspiration marketing motivation should i quit small business advice small business tips Success tips Two Minute Commute what is your why

Why is your goal?  There’s some funny English for you.  We’re missing a “that”.  Why is that your goal?  Why is your goal that?  But I say, “don’t change my question”.  I historically make up words, so today I thought, “self, I’m going to make up sentence structure.” Why is your goal? It makes perfect […]

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Episode #103 – Write Your Own Social Media Posts Otherwise You’re Just Perfecting Imperfection.

audio blog Content Creating Posts Don't Cheat Garbage In Garbage Out marketing Practice makes perfect small business advice small business tips Social marketing Social Media Marketing for Small Business Success tips Two Minute Commute Using an outside business to create social media posts

There are countless times I heard the saying that “practice makes perfect.”  I heard it over and over from coaches, teachers and parents.  The funny thing is, today’s inspiration is waaaaay more effective. Here’s why… I competed in baton twirling for 17 years.  I now coach and judge.  And I love looking for cheats.  There […]

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Episode #102 – Are You Lost?

adjust your goal ask for directions audio blog Business owner motivation change your course goal achievement goal setting marketing small business advice small business tip Success tips Two Minute Commute

Are you in your car and lost right now?  Probably not because you shouldn’t be reading and driving… haha!  But have you ever been in a car and lost?  Probably yes! Why aren’t you still in the car and lost? Because you changed your direction! There was a moment when you were driving that you […]

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Episode #101 – Quit Selling. Start Listening

audio blog Content have a conversation ideal client listen to your customers marketing quit yelling small business advice small business tips Social marketing Social Media Marketing Two Minute Commute

Have you ever really stopped and listened to someone?  The reason I ask is because we’re getting really bad at it.  Simply watch the news or the “horrible house wives of loser ville” no one listens anymore.  The best is when they’re not being heard then they have a “cameo” or “one-on-one” with a camera […]

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Episode #99 – Build a Supportive Team, Not “Yes” People… and Get Rid of the “Downers”

advisors audio blog Business owner motivation debby downer downers feedback goals marketing pick the right mentors and friends small business advice support team Two Minute Commute yes men yes people

Your ideas are awesome!  Sometimes your implementation needs help.  Here’s the deal… the best ideas are the ones that actually make it to reality.   But your ideas only make it to reality when the people that surround you are supportive. There’s an old saying out there to pick your friends wisely.  This is true especially […]

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