Are you in your car and lost right now? Probably not because you shouldn’t be reading and driving… haha! But have you ever been in a car and lost? Probably yes!
Why aren’t you still in the car and lost?
Because you changed your direction!
There was a moment when you were driving that you said, “Self… this is not the right way.” That moment is when you stopped or turned around or looked up a new route on GPS. Eventually you found your correct path. It was not instant. You did not change direction and presto the car was instantly in the destination.
You can change direction… now. But it’s silly to expect to be at your destination, now. Get it?
Prepare a plan and take action! Here’s my article on goal achievement… use it as a guide. Make sure that as you are heading toward your goal that you add a time line and “check in” with yourself. If you need to adjust your path, just do it! But most of all, enjoy the journey!
PS: if you love my post … give it a “like”!
Action Step
1- Determine your destination (your goal)
2- Determine if the path you’re on will get you to your goal… if yes… keep going! If no… change your direction.
3- Install my free app! (
Listen to Episode #102 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast
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