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Small Business Blog - Most Recent — Social Media Marketing

Episode #219 – You Better Trust This Social Marketing Advice That’s Over 227 Years Old or You’ll Regret It!

audio blog benjamin Franklin quote Blog content Business owner motivation Content content and consistency create awesome content on a socal marketing calendar marketing Social marketing Social Media Marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” ― Benjamin Franklin Just when you think you are out of things to write about… remember what Benjamin Franklin has to say! Isn’t it odd that Ben, who died in 1790, explains the heart and soul of social marketing?! As you are deciding what to […]

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Episode #130 – Day 100, In a Row… Now it’s Your Turn

audio blog Blog content Business owner motivation day 100 post goals how to start a blog marketing small business marketing small business owner advice small business tip Social marketing Social Media Marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

So here I am at Day 100, in a row, of my project to create a blog.  Today’s inspiration was found on a Linked In post yesterday… “A lot of us go through life carrying around things, ideas, mistakes, regrets, and habits – all of which no longer serve us. It’s time to let some […]

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Episode #109 – Practice Your Social Media Marketing and the Difficult Will Become Easy!

audio blog Business owner motivation keep going marketing Practice Practice to make difficult easy small business marketing small business tips Social marketing Social Media Marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

What is really easy for you?  I look at something so obvious as typing that question and think of how difficult it once was to type.  I type fast.  But that didn’t “just happen”.  I took a typing class in high school and practiced.  However, until I looked back at all of the years of […]

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Episode #101 – Quit Selling. Start Listening

audio blog Content have a conversation ideal client listen to your customers marketing quit yelling small business advice small business tips Social marketing Social Media Marketing Two Minute Commute

Have you ever really stopped and listened to someone?  The reason I ask is because we’re getting really bad at it.  Simply watch the news or the “horrible house wives of loser ville” no one listens anymore.  The best is when they’re not being heard then they have a “cameo” or “one-on-one” with a camera […]

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Episode #82 – Keep Going! It’s Working. Don’t Quit.

audio blog Business owner motivation do nothing and get no results get results increase engagement keep going marketing quality posts Social Media Marketing Success tips tell a story Two Minute Commute

Sometimes you feel like you’re talking and no one is listening?  Often your social media marketing will feel that way.  You’ve read all of the guides or books and follow their “sure fire plan” to success.  Post X number of times a day and keep it Y number of words and only post at Z […]

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