Sometimes you feel like you’re talking and no one is listening? Often your social media marketing will feel that way. You’ve read all of the guides or books and follow their “sure fire plan” to success. Post X number of times a day and keep it Y number of words and only post at Z hours. Yeah, that’s a bunch of poo and we all know it.
You need to make posts people want to read.
There’s an old saying in advertising that 50% of your advertising is working, you just don’t know which 50%. Well, in today’s era you can narrow it down by modifying old techniques. You realize ads used to say, “ask for Jim” knowing there was no Jim that worked there! They did that to count how many times an ad in the paper or on the radio triggered a phone call. The modern version is text a Key-Word to a phone number. Same idea, different year.
The most important thing to remember is to keep going. You’ve started on this journey and when it feels like you want to quit. Don’t. With the exceptions of “likes” on a post (which, feel free to like this one… haha) — you rarely get positive interactions. After all, how many positive reviews have you spontaneously written about any product/service you use? Yet… you think people will just stop and write one for your product or service. If your goal is positive reviews, just ask for them.
So the fun part about our business inspiration is that you just have to trust your efforts are working. If you don’t put the effort in, you will get nothing. So I guess if you want a 100% results driven outcome, doing nothing produces nothing. UGHHHH don’t do that!
If you need motivation — check out my article on
But ultimately, you’ve got to keep going. Just because it’s silent doesn’t mean your efforts are not appreciated… it just means it’s silent.
PS: if you love my post… give it a “like”!
Action Step
1- Pick one product or service you sell
2- How can that product change someone’s life? Will it add convenience, save time, create money?
3- Write a “did you know…” post. This post just talks about the benefit of (whatever you came up with in #2) – try sharing a story from a customer that experienced that result… . Just make the post meaningful to the person reading.
4– Install our app! (
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A- Install our Free App ( –Apple or Android )
B- Subscribe to my blog at
Listen to Episode #82 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast