Small Business Blog - Most Recent — small business advice
Episode #93 – Quit Hitting the Internet Snooze Button!
audio blog Content internet snooze button marketing podcast post regularly quit hitting snooze small business advice Small Business owner motivation small business podcast small business tips subject matter expert Two Minute Commute why small business need to use social media
Episode #91 – Technology Back Up Plan! What Will You Do When the Internet Stops?
always have a backup audio blog backup your files hotspot marketing Planning Real world small business advice small business tip Success tips the internet doesn't work the internet stopoed Two Minute Commute work with my dad
Episode #88 – Find Humor If You Can’t Solve the Problem
audio blog cell phone flip phone marketing Real world small business advice small business tip solve problems with humor Success tips tablet Two Minute Commute working with your dad working with your parents
Episode #61 – Focus on Purpose Not Money
audio blog doggy day care ducks in a row focus on purpose goals marketing money will follow pleasure and pain purpose small business advice small business tip solve a problem Success tips Two Minute Commute
Episode #51 – Don’t Quit… Focus on Why
audio blog Business owner motivation create a list find your why get paid for your time how much does a job cost marketing Planning raise your prices small business advice small business tip Success tips Two Minute Commute what is your why