Have you ever really stopped and listened to someone? The reason I ask is because we’re getting really bad at it. Simply watch the news or the “horrible house wives of loser ville” no one listens anymore. The best is when they’re not being heard then they have a “cameo” or “one-on-one” with a camera […]
The dreaded alarm… it buzzes and your hand immediately flies out from the covers and smash, the sound goes away for 9 minutes. My college roommate hated me. About two weeks into my sophomore year, she said (disgusted), would you just set the alarm for the time you actually get out of bed. I laugh. […]
Use the power of habits in your business, a good habit can help you create content that will increase your visibility online… but you have to start! (And that’s where the habit becomes a powerful tool) A habit is first a wanderer, then a guest, and finally the boss – Hungarian Proverb Listen to Episode […]
Focus on your goal. Keep moving toward your goal. That means don’t get stuck looking backward at an old situation or a “it used to be done like that”. I hear lots of people say, “I used to just put an ad in the newspaper and that’s all I had to do to get customers” […]
Day One. So I just got home from Social Media Marketing World #SSMW17 – what a great learning opportunity. I thought I’d share my journey about how I’m implementing what I learned… right here. While I was on the plane I started reviewing my notes. I feel overwhelmed. I also feel ready. A little background… […]