Day One.
So I just got home from Social Media Marketing World #SSMW17 – what a great learning opportunity. I thought I’d share my journey about how I’m implementing what I learned… right here. While I was on the plane I started reviewing my notes. I feel overwhelmed. I also feel ready.
A little background… Social Media Marketing World was three days full of seminars and workshops designed to teach you areas of content development and use of social media in marketing. It was amazing… over 130 sessions to choose from. At first I couldn’t figure out what to take, then I came up with my three goals and targeted seminars to help me reach those three goals.
My three goals were learning consistency techniques, build a following, and strengthen my brand. Wow. I was able to get some amazing tips… and that brings me to the plane. I read through my notes and the ideas started flying (pun intended). And that’s when I saw the most important note, “Get rid of all your good ideas and just focus on the one great one.”
That’s it. Day one… The Airplane.
Forget everything else and just focus on that one great idea.
Day One Evening…
Done. Unpacked. Laundry in the washer. Time to look at these notes again. I opened my Gnome Theme notebook and there they are, the answers to everything. But it’s kind of like having a map to somewhere exciting but not really knowing what that is!
I decided to start by digging in. I looked through the seminars related to content, consistency and branding – wrote a bunch of notes that focused my thoughts and I went to bed! I have a plan, tomorrow I’ve got a whole day… time for some ZZZZzzzzzzzz!