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Small Business Blog - Success tips — small business owner tips

Episode #311 – Why Are You Leaving Me?

4- Thursday - Infinity Customers customer prevention department customer survey Customers find out why customers leave marketing Small Business owner motivation small business owner tips Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Customers Flee for a Reason. You Need to Give Them Reasons Not to Stay.” I’ve talked about it before, but your Customer Prevention Department can provide a useful service.  Sometimes you don’t even know it’s in full operation! Therefore, you’ve got to pay attention to...

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Episode #300 – How Do I Make Money Online?

5- Friday - Big Money capture customer emails. collect emails email marketing infinity marketing machine marketing small business owner advice small business owner tips Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute two minute commute podcast

WOW! 300 Episodes… THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!! “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple” -Dr. Seuss The answer is: email The question is: How do I make money online? Again the answer is simple, but that does not mean the answer...

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Episode #246 – Create a Sale… Just to Communicate!

5- Friday - Big Money black friday blog post for small business Business owner motivation Content create a contact moment create posts to increase sales Creative creative posts to generate sales feed the content monster marketing Sales small business owner advice small business owner tips Success tips Two Minute Commute

“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” – Unknown KEEP GOING!  It’s Black Friday. You’ve made it, you’re here… Now what? Don’t stop.  If you have an idea on a last minute promotion… just do it. Create it.  Make it happen. I got...

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Episode #243 – Share Your Everyday Boring!

2-Tuesday - Content & Consistency Blog content Business owner motivation everyday boring things to share infinity marketing machine marketing share interesting topics with your audience share your boring small business owner small business owner tips small business podcast Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Nobody got anywhere by doing something once. Stay consistent, work hard, and never, ever give up.” Time for a pep-talk!  It’s hard to create content.  You take time, create a list of items you want your audience to know about… you work on the topic...

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Episode #242 – Promote Yourself, Start Now.

1-Monday - Subject Matter Expert audio blog become a subject matter expert Content marketing marketing fun promote your achievements small business owner advice small business owner tips subject matter expert Success tips Two Minute Commute

“You always become whoever you think you are.” Today.  Fake it until you make it. There are times that when you are promoting yourself online that you feel odd, strange, and even insecure.  But when you are creating your subject matter expert status you need...

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