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Small Business Blog - Most Recent — social marketing

Episode #81 – Become a Subject Matter Expert – Find Your Cat by Bundling Your Knowledge and Experience!

audio blog branding Business owner motivation creativity experience knowledge marketing small business motivation small business tip Social marketing Social Media Marketing subject matter expert Two Minute Commute

Yesterday I saw a great tweet from Sean Gardner… It is the photo I used on this post.  The three photos represent Knowledge, Experience and finally Creativity.  Knowledge is the scattered circles… experience shows straight lines connecting the circles.  However, when you combine the circles in a creative pattern you get a cat.  Today, find […]

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Cops are Funny, Too.

cop marketing cops and donuts Creative donuts dougnuts funny posts humor police department police department facebook marketing police marketing police social media marketing Social marketing Success tips Uncategorized what gets reposted what gets shared

Looking for more engagement… try humor!  It’s a great way to connect with an audience and showcase that personality you have as a business or entity. I mention entity because so much of social media marketing focuses on businesses when in reality it applies to everything.  Whether it’s your private Facebook account, fundraising page for […]

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Paint Your Driveway

cheap marketing idea clemson Creative driveway Images inspiration logos pawprint Real world social marketing Success tips

Today, as I was flipping through my Facebook Feed, I found a very interesting idea.  It’s not the idea that jumps out as a sponsored ad.  It was an unassuming photo of a baton twirling judge.  She had recently been selected to participate in a competition, she and the other 7 judges were featured on […]

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Why Give Something for Free?

Advertising Blog content Social marketing Success tips Uncategorized

Think of "giving something for free" as an advertising expense.

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Two Questions to Ask Before You Press Post.

Blog content blogs that get read Social marketing Thought Leader - Social Proof two questions to successful blogs what gets reposted writing topics

Stop posting crap!  There are two questions you need to weave into your social media plan. Will my audience find it interesting? Would I re-post it? If you answer no to either of the two questions, don’t post it.  If you are posting because you HAVE to get something out there, it’s not worth it… […]

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