Looking for more engagement… try humor! It’s a great way to connect with an audience and showcase that personality you have as a business or entity.
I mention entity because so much of social media marketing focuses on businesses when in reality it applies to everything. Whether it’s your private Facebook account, fundraising page for your church, or in the case of my example, your local police department. Often people check out your online area just to see who you are or to get a better idea of what you’re all about. Using dry/impersonal language leave an impression that… well… you’re blah. You just exist. Try spicing it up with a little personality.
My local police department did a post, and did it really well. Check out the screens shot I attached! Their average “likes” had been in the 7-12 range… this post received 248+ likes, over 10 comments (all positive), and look at that… 34+ shares. That’s amazing. When is the last time you shared something from your police department? People shared our police department’s post many many times… it’s funny, but also useful! The post is about a service they provide. They’d like to know if you’re going on vacation… but instead of a boring “contact us” post, they added the donuts line, well “organic donuts”… and it’s hilarious! It clearly touches their public, it clearly CONNECTS with their audience. They got their message out and they increased their brand loyalty as a friendly approachable department.
Next time you post, share a little personality! It can go a long way…