Today’s Business Inspiration: “Getting something done is an accomplishment. Getting something done right is an achievement.” Summary: Are you accomplishing or achieving? It depends on your goal. If your goal is to post every day and you do… yea! You ACHIEVED your goal. But if your goal is to engage your followers and you have […]
Today’s Inspiration: “What you choose today determines who you are tomorrow” Summary: Just get it done. Today’s choices get you to tomorrow’s goal! It’s the simple words that pack the most punch. Print up today’s inspiration and put it on your wall. Because I’ve noticed a great deal of “whiny” people, typically thought leaders or […]
Each day make a plan… each day have a goal… and each day prepare your journey to your goal! It’s the little things every day that create your big success! I like this quote by Zig Zigler, “You were born to win,, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, […]
Duck! Get it? The blog photo is of ducks in a row… you need to focus on purpose. When you focus on purpose, the money will follow. Time to get those ducks in a row! It’s true… what you focus on is what you get. Despite the fact that bills come every month, if you […]
It’s My Birthday! – I picked this quote just for today… “Results don’t come here if there’s no effort there” My grandma use to say, “it’s your birthday… do what ever you want” — I look back and still think this is a little bit of odd advice to give a seven year old, but […]