Small Busines Blog - Real World Examples — Customers – Episode 414 – Freaks and Scoundrels
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers create an avatar customer avatar Customers infinity customer infinity marketing machine marketing paying customer Real world real world customer encounter small business owner tip Success tips – Day 44 – Quit Confusing Your Sugar with Salt!
Blog content Content Customers email marketing infinity marketing machine marketing marketing is a recipe Real world small business ideas small business owner advice social media marketing plan Success tips – Day 43 – Here’s Why You Have to Plant Crops.
build a database cash catagorize your buyers Customers infinity customer infinity marketing machine marketing Real world sociographics Success tips use affiliates to create more money – Day 38 – 5 C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine
5 c's to infinity marketing machine Blog content building an infinty marketing machine cash character consistency Content Customers email marketing infinity marketing machine make money with social media marketing marketing Real world Success tips trust – Day 32 – Treat As Individuals and as a Group
Blog content build a tribe Business owner motivation categorize your list Customers email marketing infinity marketing machine marketing Real world small business owner advice Success tips Tribe Building