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ProfitCenterCoach.com – Day 38 – 5 C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine

5 c's to infinity marketing machine Blog content building an infinty marketing machine cash character consistency Content Customers email marketing infinity marketing machine make money with social media marketing marketing Real world Success tips trust

“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” Michael Jackson

Great inspiration for our topic of fundamentals!  Yesterday we chatted about how we need both customers and messages and ultimately how they can come before or after each other – it’s kind of a chicken/egg scenario.

However, today I want to chat a little about the 5 C’s to your Infinity Marketing Machine.  It’s the basic building blocks of how this whole thing works.

So let’s give a moment to read the full inspiration…

Michael Jordan- “You can practice shooting 8 hours a day, but if your Technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.”

This is important – if you practice something over and over but you’re doing it wrong… you only get really good at doing something wrong!

I’ve found this situation to be common with social media marketing – often, people will post something “just because” they feel better or think posting anything is better than nothing.

Let’s start here.   I want us to get a more clear and focused manner to attacking our social marketing plan.  To make it easier I created 5 C’s to help.  They are:

  1. Character
  2. Content
  3. Consistency
  4. Customers
  5. Cash

To build your tribe you need trust.  To gain trust you must fuel your Infinity Marketing Machine.  The fuel keeps your tribe around and that creates money.  That’s it!

Trust is best built through your character. You must be a trustworthy person in the eyes of your customers.  Your fuel is your content that you share. This is information your customers want to receive on a regular basis.  Your customers’ trust continues to get stronger and that makes a tribe who you will be able to help by sharing your current and future products/services!

Come back tomorrow and I’ll go a little further in depth on the 5 C’s to your Infinity Marketing Machine.

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