“You can’t profit from the harvest, if you don’t plant the crops”
Here we go! We’ve made it to the 5th C – Cash!
You’ve got a business… you want cash. So let’s get to it.
Yesterday I used a beach ball example. You sell beach balls and that’s it. One and done… but then you collect emails and in your weekly newsletter you’re able to market other products like pails/shovels, beach towels, and suntan lotion. This keeps customers coming back over and over, thus infinity.
Now… when you’re really ready to explore some fun… what happens if you keep going and build a database of your customers. You start to categorize those that buy pails/shovels. It’s a pretty good assumption that this group has children. Now what happens if you sell bikinis or swim trunks. You also have an idea of mens and womens clothing preferences. These are two very simple examples.
But how can this help?
Why do you have to limit yourself at selling beach items? You don’t. And this is the infinity part of the Infinity Marketing Machine. When you develop affiliate relationships you have the opportunity to sell products that you don’t carry.
Your first responsibility is to build the relationship and trust with your tribe. But as you write your newsletter you can include affiliate products that are geared to a targeted portion of your audience.
When you categorize bikinis from swim trunks from pails/shovels you can suggest products for kids, men, and women to the correct target audience! It doesn’t cost anything extra because you’re already sending the email newsletter AND you don’t have to carry inventory!
So that’s your biggest tip of the day – categorize your database based on the things they buy! That way you can always sell more!
However, just like planting a crop, you can only sell more when you do the work to create your Infinity Marketing Machine.
So are you ready to start gathering your tribe? Stop by tomorrow and we’ll get some hints on tribeology!
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