“Limits are where Infinity ends…” You have successfully built a business with customers and they like you. You enjoy being in business… now what? This is when many entrepreneurs go crazy and start expanding, adding more product lines… etc. It’s a creative mind gone wild. The excuse is that you need (or want) to make […]
“These days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched.” – Brian Clark Look at this brand new car, it’s a shiny shade of bright red. Imagine driving down the road with the wind in your hair as the top is down and your favorite music is on the radio. I […]
“Every customer you keep is one less you have to find.” I couldn’t have said this better myself! The ultimate purpose of the Infinity Marketing Machine is to create Infinity Customers. An Infinity Customer is one that sticks around… in essence, a customer that you keep! So now that you know what it is and […]
“The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh “Originality is… a by-product of sincerity.” Marianne Moore Today I’m trying something new… While on my search for an inspirational quote, I found two! They are closely intertwined and yet bring strong points to the table. Our goal with the Infinity Marketing Machine […]
“Surround yourself with people who get it.” I’m glad you’re here and ready to make a difference in your customer’s day! Notice I typed, “day” not life. Your responsibility is to make a difference on a daily basis, each day that you have the relationship. This is how the Infinity Marketing Machine differs from advertising. […]