4- Thursday – Infinity Customers – Profit Center Coach — marketing
Make Memories Now! – ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode #426
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Business owner motivation create memories for your tribe Customers infinity marketing machine make memories marketing one and done to infinity small business owner advice Tribe Building
ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode 420 – Strive to Matter.
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Content email marketing infinity customer infinity marketing machine make a difference in your customer's life marketing one and done to infinity small business owner advice strive to matter Success tips Tribe Building
ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode 414 – Freaks and Scoundrels
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers create an avatar customer avatar Customers infinity customer infinity marketing machine marketing paying customer Real world real world customer encounter small business owner tip Success tips
Episode #408 – Trade a List to Build Your List
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Blog content Content create a freemium to retain email addresses Customer retention idea Customers infinity marketing machine make more money from your list marketing small business owner advice Success tips Two Minute Commute
Episode #402 – How Would You Like 50 Million Dollars in 19 Days?
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Content create a tribe Customers earn 50 million dollars infinity marketing machine marketing provide content followers want to read Real world small business owner advice Success tips Two Minute Commute