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Make Memories Now! – ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode #426

4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Business owner motivation create memories for your tribe Customers infinity marketing machine make memories marketing one and done to infinity small business owner advice Tribe Building

“Collect Moments, Not Things”

Thursday: Infinity Customer

What did you do on August 8, 1981?  How about January 17, 1994?  And finally, what did you do last Tuesday at 3:42pm?

These are impossible questions to answer… impossible unless there was a significant moment like your birthday, a day you broke your arm, or maybe lost a loved one.  Days run together but there are moments that might make them stick out.

Do you remember the first car you had? Mine was a 1983 Dodge Omni.  It was the coolest car ever.  Black with a red interior, and a super cool after market stereo that I had to work a month to pay for.  It was EVERYTHING to a 17 year old in 1987!  But you know what… I have no desire to own that car right now, no way!  But the memory of it is precious.  I love thinking of the days of driving around with my friends to cheerleading practice or the movies…

Memories are the thing we strive for!  Memories are the things your tribe strives for, too!  Every interaction you have with your tribe needs the goal of a memory maker! Don’t get stressed out, just like May 13, 1972 happened, so will Post #426, but your GOAL is to be memorable!

Be memorable online and in real life.  Your tribe craves belonging and commonality. Both are created by sharing a bond and that bond is created with memories.  You are traveling a journey together.  For us here at ProfitCenterCoach, we all want to improve our business and make money, but we want to do this by building a loyal tribe via consistent communication.  In other words, we want to create an Infinity Marketing Machine.  Our commonality is our success stories!  Sharing how our personal Infinity Marketing Machine… worked!

So today, create memories and turn your “one and done” customer into an Infinity Customers.

Thanks for hanging out with me… If you like my vibe, subscribe to my tribe!  start here

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!

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