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Small Business Blog - Success tips — Two Minute Commute

Episode #98 – You Want Great… Don’t Stop at Good!

audio blog Business owner motivation goal setting goals keep going make a goal and stick to it marketing Planning small business advice small business motivation small business tips Success tips Two Minute Commute

Keep Going.  It seems like a lot of effort and things are good. But keep going. Why? Because your goal is important!  When you take the time to goal set, achievement is awesome.  If you take the time to “goal think” then good becomes awesome… ...

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Episode #97 – When Do I Post? That’s the Wrong Question…

audio blog capture emails develop your own audience how do I post marketing small business advice small business tip Success tips Two Minute Commute when do I post

Do you remember the commercial of the two older ladies “posting” to their “wall”?  The commercial where the one lady is actually taping photos to her living room wall and the other lady says, “that’s not how any of this works…”  That lady is our...

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Episode #96 1/2- BONUS TOASTMASTERS EDITION!  Work Hard & Start!

audio blog branding creating a message how to podcast join toastmasters marketing Public Speaking Real world small business advice small business tip Social proof subject matter expert Success tips toastmasters Two Minute Commute

Welcome to a special bonus edition! I had the opportunity to speak at my Toastmasters club meeting and had a blast sharing the importance of social media as it relates to “owning your corner of the web”. My talk focused on the main question, “Have...

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Episode #96 – Don’t Go Backward! Implement Ideas for Your Small Business Growth

audio blog Creative ideas implemene new ideas for growth marketing small business motivation small business tip Success tips take action Two Minute Commute

A long time ago I was 13 years old.  Our grocery store had just installed UPC technology at the cash register.  It was fascinating.  I watched the clerk take the cans and one by one swipe them over the red laser.  Bing Bing the item...

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Episode #95 – Start NOW! Quit Using Perfection as an Excuse.

audio blog best time is now Business owner motivation inspiration marketing never perfect Planning quit procrastinating small business advice small business motivation start Success tips Two Minute Commute

What’s holding you back?  Fear… Perfection… both?  I’m a little under time right now to create this post because I sat down and the ideas started flowing for a speech for my Toastmasters meeting, tomorrow.  Yikes! The crazy thing is… it wasn’t the perfect time...

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