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Small Business Blog - Success tips — social marketing

Episode #135 – Take a Walk. Forget the Door Exists.

audio blog burn out with small business Business owner motivation business owner rejuvination get motivated with small business goals marketing open the door small business owner advice small business tip Social marketing Success tips take a break Two Minute Commute

We’ve reached that point again.  The point where you need to do something, action must be taken. You’ve analyzed your options and created a plan of attack, but now there’s one simple yet difficult task ahead… Open the door. I’ve been doing a lot of...

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Episode #105 – Be YOUR Best, Not Someone Else’s Best – Especially When Blogging for Your Small Business

audio blog authentic you be your best Blog content blogging success communicate your message Content Customers marketing small business motivation small business tips Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute writing for your audience writing topics

If you want the best, then give your best… that’s cool, but does it have to be the best?  Hummm…. Well, it depends on your definition of the word “best”.  If it’s your definition, then YES it has to be the best.  If it’s someone...

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Episode #70 – Storms Happen – Play in Puddles by Adding Profit Centers to Your Small Business

audio blog diversity sales downturn in sales freemium marketing profit center small business advice small business tip Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

Today’s Inspiration: “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Summary: Storms will happen, so do downturns in sales. Learn to play in puddles and add profit centers to your business cycle calendar!   Not...

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Facebook Stuff to Check Out

Social marketing Success tips

A few secret Facebook features to make your day easier. I read a great article this morning about Facebook features. I didn’t know there were stock images available to use for free, that you could check out your competition by setting up a pages to...

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Too Frequent and Too Boring.

Blog content conversations marketing Social marketing storytelling. sharing news Success tips writing topics

Too frequent and too boring. These are the main reasons people unfollow a brand.   When creating a post you really need to focus on engagement. Mask yourself: why would someone want to read this information? If you can’t answer that question… Try modifying the...

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