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Small Business Blog - Most Recent — Sales

Bundle This

beverages bundle cards bundles Creative frequent purchase cards hotel pool marketing increase sales marketing pool floaties Real world resort marketing sales soda

Rule One: never give away something for free that you can charge for. Rule Two: Bundle! Lots of rules, but essentially… If people are paying for beverages at your resort… keep charging for them.  However, to increase your sales, bundle them!  Buy 5 and get one free or start a frequent buyer card.   The […]

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Take Home Message

Creative disney springs Loyalty personal message on flier Real world restaurant marketing Sales starbucks Success tips take home menu

Starbucks serves wine.  Who knew… Well, probably a lot of people that have the fancy new level of Starbucks in their neighborhood.  The type that now wine and dinners.  I found out about it on vacation. Here’s a neat trick… Starbucks at Disney Springs created their menu in the form a flier.  You can take […]

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A Flight of Perfume?  Sort of… Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever!

cool aunt Creative flight of beer floor traffic gift gift idea Mother's Day Real world Sales sample size sephora perfume Success tips

Even though I often mention my need to be the “cool aunt”… I can’t take credit for this idea, my niece is the smart one.  Her mom loved her Mother’s Day gift! My sister showed me the gift and I thought… This is so cool I need to share it with you.  At first you […]

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Assembly Required. Oh, Charge for Convenience… I’ll Pay!

assembly required Creative increase revenue profit center Real world Sales Success tips

This is one of my favorite ideas I’ve ever seen.  When you make a product convenient the profits will follow. I went to a grocery store in Florida last week.  It’s located on the “main strip” and corner of the main feeder road to a vast land of vacation rentals.  I mean vast… like several […]

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Keep it Simple with Signage Idea for Tea

Creative instore display logistics Sales signage simple idea Success tips

Have you ever been stuck in a line?  This could be traffic or just the line to register for a conference.  You see the general line but have no idea which direction will be your path. Take driving as the example.  I hate hate hate being on any road and not knowing if I need […]

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