Try This! Showcase your talent in a different way! Here are a few photos of a display at the Beach Club Hotel at Disney World shortly before Easter. What you’re looking at is the creation of the bakery cast! All 500 pounds of chocolate… yummmm. The display could have been put behind glass, but it’s […]
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” Abe Lincoln I have had it with really bad sales people. Hold on to your devices because I’m going on a tangent in 3…2…1… If you are a sales person you have the duty to know your audience. Today […]
Focus on “…branding the customer experience, not just selling the service.” John Sculley What’s fun about automatic transmission. Nothing. What’s fun about the wind in your hair and Jimmy Buffet on the radio. Everything. This is a car. It happens to be a convertible. But selling the car as mode of transportation, although accurate, misses […]
“Ideas have a short shelf life. You must act on them before the expiration date.” ACTION! Take action. That’s the result we’re going for with today’s Midweek Motivation! Have you ever walked out into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, had an amazing idea and by the time you grab the orange juice you’ve forgotten it? […]
“There is no such thing as a small change.” RWhite You’ve got to make a change. It’s great when you can find a way in your business to “set it and forget it” – but sometimes even a little change can have the biggest impact. I was fortunate to give a presentation yesterday and I […]