Yesterday I talked about always thinking of the end user in your business. Today I’m going to be the end user! Yesterday I walked out of my hotel dragging my luggage behind me. When I arrived at the trunk of my car, the keyfob wouldn’t work. I pressed the button, did it again, went to […]
I took a great flight to Florida today. It was a smooth flight, we arrived on time, and I got lots of work done on the plane. I don’t fly that often, but when I do it’s like a full hour (or more) of quiet time. I can read, and most important, think! I did […]
Evolve or die. Simple concept to understand, but have you implemented it? I mean really looked at your business segments/processes and evolved? While embracing my morning “what to write about” moment, I came across a 23 inspirations for blog topics. None inspired me… Well, none inspired me at that moment. Hummm… What twist is in […]
Talk to your grandma and other ideas for posts! Today you need to post something, anything… It’s been a while since that last communication. You’re desperate. Hold on. Desperate comes through loud and clear. When you find yourself at this point, take a deep breath and ask, “would I want to read this?” When you’ve […]