I took a great flight to Florida today. It was a smooth flight, we arrived on time, and I got lots of work done on the plane. I don’t fly that often, but when I do it’s like a full hour (or more) of quiet time. I can read, and most important, think! I did skim a couple books (reading the things that interested me) and then just as we were about to land, I pulled out the in-flight magazine…
What a fantastic idea I found on the first page!
It’s the “Five things to know about Delta this month” feature. When you are stuck for content, what a fantastic topic! Make this a regular feature and it does two things, you need to PLAN what your exciting events are for the month, and you give your customers an “inside scoop” for reading. This also leaves you to have five things to talk about later in the month with an in-depth focus. It’s great.
I recommend adding this to your social calendar. Think about it, if you start your month with the “Five things you need to know about <insert business name here> this month” — and then over the course of the month you write about each “need to know” topic, wow! That’s 6 blog topics.
After reading the short story, I’m changing my calendar… let’s see you try it, too!
More hints on our website, BigFishIdeas.com