“The future is always beginning now.” Mark Strand Your future begins now. Or is it Now… maybe now? Get it? Your future is always unveiling itself. That means, what you do right now is super important to what your tomorrow will be. Alrightie, enough of the hypothetical… how can you apply this? if you want […]
“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!” George Elliston OMG I’ve brought out the cute yellow fuzzy duck. Clearly, I’m in fighting mode. hahaha It’s been a rough couple weeks and I got to thinking about it yesterday. So, hear me out. Yesterday I was stopped in my tracks with a Eureka […]
“Never pretend to be a unicorn by sticking a plunger on your head.” Martin Espada Yesterday I told you all about my coronation… a.k.a. my trip to the dentist to get a new crown. Today I got to go to court! Now… last week I received Novocaine, today I only got a comfortable seat. […]
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames ~ Rumi Spending about 5 hours in the dark will give you perspective! Or a little sleep… After the storm hit, I finally got the power back at about 2 AM. You know that feeling you wake up and want to turn off the […]
“People are hungry for stories. It’s part of our very being” Studs Terkel Oh my… what a long day at the marina! There was a “big” party on our lake… That meant I made four calls to 911 and two actual visits from the police to our marina. (And it’s a Tuesday! UGHHHH) I’d […]