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Small Business Blog - Success tips — email marketing

Episode #300 – How Do I Make Money Online?

5- Friday - Big Money capture customer emails. collect emails email marketing infinity marketing machine marketing small business owner advice small business owner tips Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute two minute commute podcast

WOW! 300 Episodes… THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!! “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple” -Dr. Seuss The answer is: email The question is: How do I make money online? Again the answer is simple, but that does not mean the answer...

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Episode #294 – The Magic Exists – All You Have To Do is Press Send!

5- Friday - Big Money collect email addresses Content create an email newsletter create money Customers email marketing infinity marketing machine marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Money isn’t everything, but I’m going to make a fortune anyway… just in case.” Pretty much everyone has an smart phone.  They carry it on them, nearly all the time.  Let’s just use some absolutes… every person has a smart phone and every person has...

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Episode #221 – Cats, Dogs, and Birds…Segment Your List for Future Success with Social Marketing

audio blog Blog content email marketing email marketing tips marketing Planning segment your list Social marketing social marketing success tip Success tips target your list by profit center two minute commmute Two Minute Commute

“Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers who don’t” Seth Godin It’s Thursday!  It’s time to think about our customers.  Well, we think about them all the time, but today we figure out how we can...

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Episode #193 – What is the Infinity Marketing Machine?

audio blog Content email marketing increase sales for small business infinity marketing machine marketing Social marketing Social Media Marketing for Small Business Success tips Two Minute Commute

What is the Internet Marketing Machine?  It’s your ability to connect with your customers on your terms.  You build a bond by creating information customers want to receive and in turn they offer their information so you can continue to market to them.  It’s a...

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Episode #187 – Start Your Own Infinity Marketing Machine Today.

audio blog email marketing grow your own traffic infinty marketing machine marketing small business owner tip small business social marketing Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

Why do you need an Infinity Marketing Machine? Because the ability to control your marketing future depends on it.  Marketing is not free.  It won’t be.  I’m not sure why some business owners have the thought that if they just post things online that they’ll...

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