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Small Business Blog - Profit Center Coach Show — small business idea

Episode #41 – Choose the Voices in Your Head

audio blog business books Business owner motivation choose your friends wisely marketing networking peter voogd ProfitCenterCoachShow small busines owner advice small business idea small business tips the people you associate with Two Minute Commute

You Become Like the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With… make a plan to get the influence of other business owners from networking, business clubs, and books.  it’s time to choose the voices in your head wisely!  For example, if you spend time with your clients for 8 to 10 hours a day, […]

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Ask Better Questions

angry customer audio blog better questions customer service Customers marketing ProfitCenterCoachShow Real world small business idea small business marketing storytelling Success tips tips for small business

Did you fall?  Clearly the person is on the ground… What happens when you start to ask better questions?  Earlier this week I had the opportunity to listen to a customer on the phone with his credit card company.  He spent over 10 minutes, calm...

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