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Small Business Blog - Profit Center Coach Show — Two Minute Commute

Episode #41 – Choose the Voices in Your Head

audio blog business books Business owner motivation choose your friends wisely marketing networking peter voogd ProfitCenterCoachShow small busines owner advice small business idea small business tips the people you associate with Two Minute Commute

You Become Like the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With… make a plan to get the influence of other business owners from networking, business clubs, and books.  it’s time to choose the voices in your head wisely!  For example, if you spend time with your clients for 8 to 10 hours a day, […]

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Episode #40 – Winning is a Habit

audio blog break the losing habit Business owner motivation inspiration for small business marketing motivation small business podcasting ProfitCenterCoachShow small business advice small business tip Two Minute Commute twominutecommute winning mindset

Get in a winners mindset! Habits are a funny thing, you can have good habits and bad habits. While habits bring a downward spiral… good habits spiral up!  Today you need to get in the habit of winning. I want you to start by setting...

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Episode #39 – Keep Up the Enthusiam

audio blog audiobloginspiration Business owner motivation enthusiasm marketing marketing for small business podcasting ProfitCenterCoachShow small business advice small business owner small businesss motivation Two Minute Commute twominutecommute

When you have enthusiasm it sets your business apart from the rest. As the leader you set the tone. Others will gain momentum from your enthusiasm and that’s pretty powerful! Your big advantage as a local business is the ability to have your enthusiasm transfer...

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