I was at a seminar about a year ago when the speaker asked for a show of hands, “how many of you have someone that works for you that’s hostile, angry, mean, full of complaints, gruff and in general is just unpleasant to be around?” Nearly everyone raised their hand. She paused then said, “and […]
When you’re contemplating quitting, get out that sheet of paper with the reason why you started your business, read, focus, and keep going! That may sound like simple advice and it does not take into account the people that should truly stop their business. The majority of people, whether having a bad day, week, or […]
Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is under construction… make sure you’ve got a detour to take. This might seem like odd advice, but you do need to think of alternative ways to accomplish your goal because the shortest distance between you and achieving your goal may not happen. That’s when having a back […]
Have you ever walked into a business and wondered what the heck was going on? The theme didn’t match the merchandise or the merchandise didn’t have any common reason to be together. The most common place I notice this is in a restaurant, the menu is filled with, well, everything. You have hamburgers, spaghetti and […]
You Can’t Unscramble the Scrambled Eggs But You Can Make an Awesome Omelet! Don’t worry if you make a mistake… sometimes its impossible to put something back to its original form, you’ve just got to create something new. Opportunities are everywhere. This is also a useful tactic if you have a process in place that […]