“If you desire to build a better mousetrap, you should know something about mousetraps.” Randal Curry Can you build a better mousetrap? Probably not. But can you speak about your business better than anyone else? Yes. Your customers have a great and possibly better understanding of using your product. But, you and you alone are […]
“Whether you realize it or not, you already have a personal brand…” So… have political issues affected your shopping and buying behaviors? Do you buy from one place or not buy from another depending on something you researched or heard on the news? Even consider something as neutral as “buy local”. Now I’ll ask again… […]
“Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way.” – Vera Wang Happy Monday! Subject Matter Expert Topic Day. So what is a Subject Matter Expert? I like to say, a Subject Matter Expert is Everything You need to know about being a Subject Matter Expert you learned IN A […]
“Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.” Here’s the scoop. You’ve got something to say. You say it every day, that’s why you have your own business. When you start to look at it this way, sharing your knowledge online will become much easier. The reason I’m trying to put […]
“Your Niche Needs a Subject Matter Expert” Happy New Year! With the New Year, I’m getting crystal clear… that’s why today’s inspiration is so short. It’s quick and to the point. Why should you position yourself as a Subject Matter Expert? Because your niche needs one! There are other reasons that will come along with […]