Something strange happened around 2008. The economy crashed and social media skyrocketed. These two things have an interesting correlation which is leading to a huge gap today. From where I stand, the people who use social media are generally under 35. Hang with me… I am not under 35 and I use social media. I’m […]
What is “practice” and what is “perform” in small business? I mean, I love this quote, “Practice like you’ve never won. Preform like you’ve never lost.” But, really… how does this relate to your small business? It’s easy to determine the difference between “practice” and “perform” if you’re an athlete because, performing is game day […]
Today’s mention is a little different because it’s not about what’s good for your business. Hummmm…. very mysterious! Who taught you to say “thank you”? I’m guessing a whole bunch of people like mom, dad, grandma (that’s usually a big one), grandpa, uncles, aunts… so what happened? Now you don’t say thank you??? You might […]
You need a baseline. A point where you say “no more” and you can use other people’s stories as a guidebook of how it works, but change can only come from you. Yesterday I attended a conference #ICON17 and heard some amazing stories. The stories of “no more” and how people changed. One was a […]
I was at a seminar about a year ago when the speaker asked for a show of hands, “how many of you have someone that works for you that’s hostile, angry, mean, full of complaints, gruff and in general is just unpleasant to be around?” Nearly everyone raised their hand. She paused then said, “and […]