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Small Business Blog - Most Recent — Customers

Episode #116 – Small Opportunities Rock!

breaking things down Business owner motivation charity application Customers donations goals little millionaire marketing penny a day doubled small business motivation small business tip small opportunities Success tips Two Minute Commute

My third day of college I was practicing my baton twirling in an open gym on campus.  It was a smaller campus so the open gym was also the gym used by all major athletics.  This was a rare moment that the entire gym was silent.  I was just messing around, I didn’t have any […]

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Episode #110 – Doggy Paddle to Marketing is THE Profit Center.

audio blog Business owner motivation communicate with customers Customers database management marketing marketing is the profit center small business advice small business tips trial and error Two Minute Commute

Can you learn to swim by reading it in a book?  Haha!  NO way.  Eventually you need to get wet and if you start by jumping in the deep end, well that’s a bad idea.  We’re not dogs.  Dogs typically can “just swim” you don’t need to help them float by holding them under their […]

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Episode #108 – GTFON – Thank You Gen Z

audio blog Business owner motivation customer confronation management skills Customers first job gtfon helicopter parents marketing small business advice small business tips Success tips Two Minute Commute

I think I’m going to make today’s inspiration into a button and wear it at work.  Because it has inspired me in two different thoughts but both occurred this weekend at our marina. The first example is in how people leave jobs.  Unfortunately in today’s society the concept of “two week’s notice” is nearly non-existent.  […]

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Episode #80 – Elevate Your Game By Hanging Out With the People You Want To Become

audio blog create your customers Customers elevate your game marketing mentors small business motivation small business tip Success tips Two Minute Commute

I used a photo of sky divers to enhance the business inspiration for today.  How do you get from standing on the ground to jumping out of a plane?  You start to hang out with people who are “already the way you want to be”.  Skydiving is a skill that is taught by people who […]

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Episode #59 – Don’t Yell at Customer Service

advice for small business angry customers audio blog bad customers be positive Business owner motivation customer service Customers hostile customers marketing small business tip solve the problem Two Minute Commute

Here’s your advice of the year, “Make sure to yell at people trying to help you!”  Shake head.   And yet, there are jerks in the world that do this. I will never understand two things… 1) why do people yell at customer service reps and 2) why it’s “acceptable” to yell at customer service representatives.  […]

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