“The people who laugh at you today will be inspired by you tomorrow.” Unknown Yesterday we talked about how important it is to position yourself as a leader in your industry so that you can build trust with your followers. This trust helps to create the momentum of your Infinity Marketing Machine. Well, that means […]
“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” Michael Jackson Great inspiration for our topic of fundamentals! Yesterday we chatted about how we need both customers and messages and ultimately how they can come before or after each other – it’s kind of a chicken/egg scenario. However, today I want […]
“Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.” Sophia Loren If today’s inspiration is true… my goodness I’m going to have an amazingly full life, even if I never make another mistake… ever again! You know that feeling you get when you’re driving on the interstate and the state trooper speeds […]
“Without commitment you will never start, more importantly, without consistency, you will never Finish.” – Denzel Washington Yesterday was fun, we had a nice conversation about how to treat your followers as a group and at the same time treat them as individuals. Well today we’re looking at the word “treat”. How do you treat […]
“I may not be different, but I’m definitely not the same.” William J Dybus Write this inspiration on your wall as you develop your followers. Here’s the reason why. You can treat your group as a cohesive tribe but you cannot think of each individual as the same! So what the heck does that mean? […]