Small Busines Blog - Real World Examples — Customers
Episode #347 – Who is the Star of the Story?
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Business owner motivation Content Customers make your customer feel smart make your customer the star of the story marketing Real world Sales small business marketing idea small business owner marketing tip Success tips Two Minute Commute
Episode #341 – Give ‘Em What They Want!
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Customers give customers what they want infinity customer infinity marketing machine marketing Real world Sales Success tips Two Minute Commute
Episode #337 – It’s a Chalk Board, It’s a Clip Board, No It’s a Calendar!
6- Saturday - Try This! create a calendar with clipboards Customers marketing Real world recretainment small business owner inspiration small business real world tip specials and promotions at small business Success tips
Episode #299 -Talk to One… Even If It’s A Group
4- Thursday - Infinity Customers categorize customers Customers database management infinity marketing machine marketing Next big thing Real world small business owner success small business owner tip Social marketing Success tips talk to your customers individually Two Minute Commute
Episode #265 – What’s Your Elevator Speech?
6- Saturday - Try This! Creative Customers elevator space what to do elevator speech increase sales at small business marketing Real world small business advice small business owner tip Success tips successful small business ideas