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Business Tips - The Profit Center Coach — Sales

Starry Starry Grape (roll eyes)

add-on captive audience choices marketing Sales

My Niece LOVES the American Girl Doll Store.  If you've never been... wow, it's a marketing experience times 1,000.  I mean if you can create a doll and charge to pierce it's ears and on top of that create a hospital that you send your doll to for repairs that's some seriously creative marketing!  I visited the store in Orlando on January 2nd.  That's similar to the sun exploding at the same time all fireworks in the universe go off.  Why?  It's a brand new store and they have a special welcome gift for all visitors on the first and...

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7 Seconds to Make a Sale

marketing Public Speaking Sales

7 seconds to make a sale!  It's true. Your audience forms it's opinion of you as a speaker in the first seven seconds.  Imagine utilizing that knowledge for a sales presentation.  Would you dress differently, concentrate on eye contact, choose your words more carefully?  It's amazing what that first impression can do and you only get 7 seconds.  

I recently read this article. There are some great hints to improving a speech or speaking event... You may think it doesn't apply, but really?  That's all marketers do!
Just when you think...

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