Profit Center Coach's Blog — Content Creation
5 Things... Wow, Inspiration on a Plane
Blog content blog topics cheap marketing idea content creation Social marketing
I took a great flight to Florida today. It was a smooth flight, we arrived on time, and I got lots of work done on the plane. I don't fly that often, but when I do it's like a full hour (or more) of quiet time. I can read, and most important, think! I did skim a couple books (reading the things that interested me) and then just as we were about to land, I pulled out the in-flight magazine... What a fantastic idea I found on the first page! It's the "Five things to know about Delta this month"...
Keeping Up with the Googles.
Blog content content creation content generation marketing unique content
Keeping up with the Googles. It's hard enough to create content (regularly) but when you're trying to boost your rankings it becomes even more difficult. I think that's the point. It is difficult to "game the system" or have a quick fix to boost rankings. The search engines have a simple goal and that is to provide the best solution when they're posed with a question. So, while you might be able to get away with a document that is "keyword stuffed", i.e., you took a single keyword and tried to get it in the document as many times as...