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Small Business Blog - Success tips — Two Minute Commute

Episode #226 – Use Training Wheels to Master the Social Marketing Basics or Else You’ll Fall Off Your Bike!

3- Wednesday - Midweek Motivation build an infinity marketing machine Business owner motivation learn social media mareting marketing small business marketing small business owner advice small business tips Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge” Do you remember learning to ride a bike?  You started out with training wheels, ok you may have started with a tri-cycle, but let’s jump to training wheels.  You peddled fast and wobbled from side to side but...

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Episode #222 – Create Your Moment by Adding Something to Your Infinity Marketing Machine

audio blog Blog content build your content Content creating content for your website infinity marketing machine marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Successful entrepreneurs don’t wait for the perfect moment – they create it.” ―Richard Branson Ready… Set… Go!  Make your moment. Welcome to Friday, the chance to get your plan ready for the weekend and just make it happen.  Maybe you’ve been cultivating your customers for...

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Episode #221 – Cats, Dogs, and Birds…Segment Your List for Future Success with Social Marketing

audio blog Blog content email marketing email marketing tips marketing Planning segment your list Social marketing social marketing success tip Success tips target your list by profit center two minute commmute Two Minute Commute

“Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers who don’t” Seth Godin It’s Thursday!  It’s time to think about our customers.  Well, we think about them all the time, but today we figure out how we can...

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Episode #220 – Success = Ability, Opportunity and Motivation… YOU NEED MOTIVATION!

audio blog Business owner motivation marketing past successes will motivate you Small Business owner motivation small business owner tip Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Highly successful people have three things in common: motivation, ability, and opportunity.”  Adam M. Grant It’s Wednesday — that means it’s midweek motivation time!  You see, per the quote of the day, to be highly successful (not just successful) but HIGHLY successful you must have...

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Episode #218 – Make Up an Interesting Statistic

audio blog Business owner motivation Content linked in profile for small business owner make up a stat marketing subject matter expert Success tips Two Minute Commute why you need a linked in profile

“Social networks are nothing more than a corner of the web.” A. Naslund Keep this quote in mind as you are developing your Subject Matter Expert Status.  You are simply “owning” your corner of the web. The best place to start is to enhance your...

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