Have you ever looked up “make money online”? It’s incredible. Not for the reason you think. You’d expect to find the secrets of the universe. Instead you find the same list repeated many times by different people.
It includes: domain flipping, taking surveys online, reviewing apps, and my favorite get paid to visit sites.
Do you see a pattern?
There is no get rich quick way to make money online.
There is a way to make money online. It’s when you have an online store, you drive traffic to it, and customers buy from it. That’s pretty much how it works.
There are several variables to what you sell and how you drive traffic to it. But if customers don’t buy, you won’t make money.
There are even variables to the “what you sell” because sometimes you make money online without actually selling “it” online. If your business is a service based business then you’re promoting your services and they buy in person.
Honestly, it’s the same concept.
Online store + Traffic = Sales.
Can’t get much easier than that!
Then why does it seem so hard? Because people are telling you it’s hard AND people have convinced you that the internet is free.
The best traffic costs money.
You have two choices. Spend money or spend time. If you want results now, spend money. If you want results later spend time. (Spend time means creating content that becomes searchable and people find your article, thus they find you)
I recommend both. Spend money now to drive good traffic and at the same time create a built in system to capture these leads so you can jump start your internal marketing efforts.
It’s funny and seems so obvious… but I wonder why no one ever lists “open a store and work hard to create traffic so you sell stuff” as an option when you search “make money online”.
PS: Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me! (and please do me a favor… if you want more great ideas like the one in this post, just fill out this form and I’ll send them to you… start here)
Action Steps
1- Decide how you want to generate traffic… money or time?
2- Start. Buy Ads at the same time you write articles!
3- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
Listen to Episode #181 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast