Put arms in front of you, hold on to kick board, stretch out, kick, put head under water, lift head to breathe. Congratulations you know how to swim!
You can’t learn to swim from a book! (That’s one of my favorite phrases.)
What this means is you must start before you’re ready… whether you’re swimming or skydiving. There are some things you just have to jump to learn! Again, you have a mentor teaching you how, but you simply cannot read a book and have the skill.
This is the classic definition of Social Media Marketing! You can read tips (like my blog) and learn hints and skills… but unless you jump in and try it, you’ll never understand it! You’ve got to try!
The best part about trying is that you’ll get better each time you write, take a photo, film a video, or create an email. You’ll simply get better with each new thing you do! I did an experiment with 30 days of selfie videos.
Days 1-3 are awful!!! Eventually I will post these videos, but for now, you’ll have to trust me. I was encouraged to do the 30 day project to get comfortable on camera. It worked, I’m more comfortable – not fantastic, but at least day 30 was “good” – AND the fun part is I have days 1-3… they’re really bad!!
The reason I mention these things is, I’m learning right along with you! There is a common stat out there that in 18 months 80% of the internet will be video. Chrimmity! But it’s true. With the introduction of “live” on several platforms, we’re learning to absorb our information by watching instead of reading, this means you better get comfortable on camera! PS: No one really cares about how “rough” your video production is or how awkward you are… as long as your message is full of important content. Just a little fun fact, this week at our marina we filmed 8 videos to use over the course of the winter. I have spent lots of time over the past two months creating videos. They work well… I recommend it. If you have a way to communicate via video… JUMP IN!
PS: if you love my post, give it a “like” (and hit that follow button)!
Action Step
1- Jump In! I did a 30 day, every day, 2 minute video of me talking about “stuff” — you need to do the same thing. Pick a time frame, 2 weeks, 30 days… whatever it is, do this and press record! Get used to being on camera… you’ll be thankful you did!
2- Just remember… as you film, it’s great to have a purpose so you can use the film later… however, you also don’t have to show anyone (until you’re comfortable)!
3- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
Listen to Episode #144 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast
Love this inspirational quote? View it on a 12″ x 12″ Canvas “Social Square” wall hanging!
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