As you assess your customer experience consider all the areas they encounter. It’s often good to take a walk, possibly a drive, and explore how they see it.
I did this an noticed that the prettier “first experience” with our business was route A vs. route B. The fist thing about route A is the ease of the drive. However, even more interesting is the view of the business. One approaches from the bottom of the hill, the other from the top. When you arrive from the top it’s simply prettier. It seems like an odd consideration, but much of your customer’s opinion can take place prior to arriving in your busines.
Another area not to neglect is the bathroom. It’s astounding the impact cleanliness has on overall experience. I love the idea in the photo. The lightswitch approach to letting the staff know when a bathroom needs attention has been around a while.
I like the light switch approach because it’s non confrontenational. Ultimately you just want to know the bathroom needs help and if someone is willing to “flip a switch” you get y our goal accomplished. But the other reason the lightswitch approach is cool is your employees know that it’s there. Do they really want to get an alarm or light announcing the bathroom is in sad shape. Most likely they will avoid that and check the bathrooms regularly.
Now go around your business and see if there are oddities around that your customers immediately see that you’ve been overlooking.