In case you missed an Episode… here’s a link to Episodes 356 – 361 of The Two Minute Commute on Episode #356 – Monday – The Easy Way to be Magnificent Episode #357 – Tuesday – What is the Goal… After the Goal? Episode #358 – Wednesday – Got an Idea… Take Action! […]
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” Abe Lincoln I have had it with really bad sales people. Hold on to your devices because I’m going on a tangent in 3…2…1… If you are a sales person you have the duty to know your audience. Today […]
Focus on “…branding the customer experience, not just selling the service.” John Sculley What’s fun about automatic transmission. Nothing. What’s fun about the wind in your hair and Jimmy Buffet on the radio. Everything. This is a car. It happens to be a convertible. But selling the car as mode of transportation, although accurate, misses […]
“Relationship is the currency that never loses value” Jeremiah Sarkett Best inspiration heard today! Imagine sitting at Successcon and just waiting to be inspired… and boom… there you get it. My presenter said the inspiration I’m using today. When you are thinking about your customers, wondering if all of the time you spend on content […]
“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop” Confucius You need to keep making progress. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you are making any forward progress… but you are. It’s a simple idea… but think about this. If you are not moving forward you are moving backward, you’re never standing […]