Just like you create your products and services you need to create yourself. Using today’s inspiration as your guide, you need to make waves and if you’re going to make waves, they might as well be big that way you can ride to success.
Creating yourself online can seem overwhelming. But switch your thinking to it’s the way to control your message online. A quick exercise is to Google your name. What did you find? Do you like the information? Now imagine if you can put out information about yourself.
It’s funny, we spend so much time branding our business and learning skills and techniques to help spread the message about products and services, then at the same time we forget to do this for “me”. It does take extra effort, and sometimes it feels a little self-serving. Well, it kind of is… except that it is also important in your role as a business owner. Prospective customers want to know you. THEY will Google your name. It’s time to control that message.
I recommend positioning yourself as a subject matter expert. This needs to be in an area you are passionate about. This may or may not be in the same area as your business. Let me explain. If your business is a gift store, but your volunteer hours are spent with the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts because you yourself were a scout. This may be the area of your subject matter expertise. For me, I work in the Marina Industry but my subject matter expertise is in baton twirling. Crazy? Yes. But I competed for 17 years and continue involvement as a judge/coach and through social media with the creation of an app for baton twirlers. It may have nothing to do with boating, but my customers still have an opportunity to know me, and I control the message.
The way to become a subject matter expert is to find a passion you enjoy and begin to message about it. This message may occur though a blog, vlog, or podcast. This message combine with honors, awards, research, and education will allow you to control “your corner of the web”. This messaging again, will build your credibility as a “real person” online and help in your branding for your business. Don’t neglect the power of Linked-In for small businesses. Here’s my story… I work for our family business and thought Linked-In was just for job seekers or corporate people. Then one day, I noticed that soon after potential customers would visit our marina they would look me up on Linked-In. That’s when I strengthened my profile and my dad had a profile created. Use these tools.
Make sure to visit my site and download the booklet on becoming a subject matter expert.
PS: if you love my post … give it a “like”!
Action Step
1- Google your name
2- Become a Subject Matter Expert to help focus and control what you find when you search your name on Google. Remember, your customers Google your name to find out more about you! Visit my page on why to become a subject matter expert.
3- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
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