What is making you so busy? Try this. Just stop everything. Right now…Just stop. Sometime you’ve got to triage. You know triage… the process of looking at the problems you face and deciding which of three categories they get grouped in;
1) problems that are likely to succeed without your intervention
2) problems likely to fail (or have no big difference) with your intervention
3) problems that your intervention will positively impact the outcome
Now… if you assess your business this way by using triage, does it look any different? Possibly… and I say possibly because it depends on your goals.
The reason you feel so frickin busy is because your “tasks” and “goals” are out of whack.
So you’ve got to… stop. Just stop. What do you really want? This business that is making you so “busy”… what the frick are you doing? Do you want fame or fortune? That’s the only two options.
“Fame” makes you known. “Fortune” makes you money.
Sure, fortune can bring fame and conversely fame can bring you fortune. But only focus on one!
Create your business journey to achieve just this one outcome. With this one outcome in mind take another look at your “triage” problems. How many of the problems that you put in category #3, the “intervention positively impacts outcome” are aligned with your fame/fortune goal? If I had to guess, it’s quite a few.
If you really want to scare yourself, bundle all of your personal/business problems on one piece of paper. But before you triage, decide if your ultimate life goal is fame or fortune. Now triage.
I’m not here to give a “work/life” balance speech, because quite frankly, it doesn’t exist. There is no “one moment” in life when you’ll have it all. Something always takes precedence. There will be times that your business is awesome, but your personal life needs attention, times your overweight but you have money, times you have free time but no money. I know you’re laughing… but it’s true. You can have it all, the secret is… the “all” just happens at different phases of your life.
Give my fame/fortune/triage approach a try… and mix in a little Oprah as if she’s sitting next to you asking the question, “What are you busy at?”
PS: if you love my post … give it a “like”!
Action Step
1- Decide if you want to focus on “fame” or “fortune”
2- Write down all the things making you “busy” today
3- Triage your problems with your “fame or fortune” goal and ATTACK!
4- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
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Listen to Episode #92 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast