are you?
Have you ever been at an unfamiliar area, like a shopping mall, found the directory and the first thing you search for is the “you are here” sticker? That small sticker helps you start your journey. This is a great tool for most business to help customers understand where they’re going… But what if your business is the destination?
While on vacation, I went to breakfast at a destination restaurant. I say destination because if you are in Clearwater, FL you’ve got to check it out. It is in a strip mall, normally not the location that conjures up memorable, I’ve got to eat at this spot…put it on my check list restaurant. But this was a little different. Maggie Mae’s Sunrise Cafe is across the street from the Gulf… But here’s the cool factor, they have outdoor dining on Tampa Bay. Even if you don’t get a table outside, the inside is decked out in “we’re not a chain, one of a kind awesome restaurant coolness”. OH, and the food is yummie! I mean good.
But here’s the neat thing they did… They had a detailed map on the wall with the small stick pins. Take a pin and put your hometown! I’ve seen this before, but not for years! I instantly was mesmerized by where people came from… Small towns, big cities, from all over the United States.
Guess What? They went one step further and along side the United States they had a map of the world. It was amazing, this little location in the strip mall on Tampa Bay has so many push pins from, well, everywhere!
How can you use this idea? Use the map of your metro area and the map of the US? Think creatively… A calendar for birthday, list for age, favorite color, song, book, ride, map with trails… There are many ways to engage your customers. Here’s the deal, when I looked at that map I knew they wanted to know about me!
That’s the goal, allow customers to share their story and become a part of your story!