Saturday Try This Have you ever carried an oversized box from your car to the Post Office and you can see the door, you dread trying to figure out how to open the door…. when all of a sudden someone rushes ahead of you to grab the door and hold it open for you? How […]
“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” So… which came first… the chicken or the egg? Or in the photo’s case, the tiger or the sign? It’s Friday and I like to share cute little tips to help turn small change into big money. This photo is from a post I saw […]
“A strong story about your brand is engaging.” “OH my goodness we put the cute little costume up on our production board!” -said the costume designer. My mom wanted to order a custom-made costume for me during my competitive baton twirling days… she and I carefully cut out the pattern we wanted in the perfect […]
Saturday Try This! Add an Ipad or tablet to your waiting area! And by waiting area, I mean any area your customer has spare time. This could be outside a restroom area, or near a cash register… or even add a tablet in an area you need a sales person but simply don’t have a […]
It’s Saturday — TRY THIS! We’ve reached the digital age. We have iPhones, iPads, digital menu boards, internet, electronic surveys… really super fancy things. Get rid of them! I love being crazy… but on my most recent trip to Disney World I saw the coolest thing. A simple white board on an easel. That’s it! […]