Small Busines Blog - Real World Examples — cool aunt
A Flight of Perfume? Sort of… Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever!
cool aunt Creative flight of beer floor traffic gift gift idea Mother's Day Real world Sales sample size sephora perfume Success tips
Even though I often mention my need to be the “cool aunt”… I can’t take credit for this idea, my niece is the smart one. Her mom loved her Mother’s Day gift! My sister showed me the gift and I thought… This is so cool I need to share it with you. At first you […]
How Old is an Expert?
branding cool aunt Creative disney world experts marketing Real world Success tips
How old do you have to be to be considered an expert? I was at Disney World earlier this year… Yes it was awesome. I simply love walking around the stores, trying to figure out what the next big thing will be… While browsing, I began a quest for something to bring home for my […]