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Business Tips - The Profit Center Coach — cheap marketing idea

5 Things... Wow, Inspiration on a Plane

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I took a great flight to Florida today.  It was a smooth flight, we arrived on time, and I got lots of work done on the plane.  I don't fly that often, but when I do it's like a full hour (or more) of quiet time.  I can read, and most important, think!  I did skim a couple books (reading the things that interested me) and then just as we were about to land, I pulled out the in-flight magazine... What a fantastic idea I found on the first page! It's the "Five things to know about Delta this month"...

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Do Business' Have Personalities?

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YES! Words and actions create your personality... same holds true for your business.  When you are spending a lot of time (and money) on social marketing you need to make sure your online and in person personalities match! When your customers sign up for your email newsletter or subscribe to any of your various social media outlets they are saying they want to be a part of your mission and dialog.  It's relatively easy to build that online.  People have come up with "magic" formulas - post so many X type posts, followed by this number of Y type posts...

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What's Your "Flavor of the Day"?

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Today's custard ice cream flavor is Bonfire S'mores and I'm going to stop and get some.  It's been 24 days since I tore the flier off the pad at Culver's.  It's been sitting on my counter for 24 days and it's become wrinkled and water stained but the anticipation has grown with each day.  I've sat through the coconuts, the fruits, the nuts (yuck).  Today is my day, Bonfire S'mores.  It will get me through a long day at work... Bonfire S'mores.

So how's your marketing doing?

Are you doing cable video advertising, color post card mailings, maybe...

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