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Profit Center Coach's Blog — social marketing

Who Owns a Post?

marketing marketing content soaicl marketing Social marketing

Who owns a post? I am fascinated by the legal gymnastics this article presents. I have a baton twirling site and watch as lots and lots of the photos that appear in my newsfeed have watermarks seemingly ignored by the people posting. But this article goes even further. There is an art exhibit created with Instagram photos "modified slightly" then printed to canvas. Several have sold at the $90,000 mark.

What if this were your photo... You posted an adorable photo of your grandparents. You didn't intend it for marketing or sales purposes. It was just a sweet...

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Prove It. (Social Proof - it's not that hard)

Blog content ideas marketing Social marketing Social proof

"Best Seller" or "Millions Served". Sounds like a place or product you want to try, right?!?!  I haven't shared the product or place but knowing that millions have used it one that it's a best seller takes lots of the "unknown" out of it.

This is especially needed online. You've worked hard to get visitors to your site... Maybe it's a CPC, newsletter or mailing you sent, it doesn't matter what channel you used, they're on your site.  Now what.  Look at your site, does it have 2003 graphics that spin or blink?  Dang... I...

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